Paleo Venison Jerky

You’re probably thinking “Paleo?” what the heck is he talking about? Let me explain the concept of the Paleo Diet.

It’s a simple concept based on the theory that we (humans) should go back to eating like cavemen.

Eating real whole unprocessed foods that are healthier for our bodies to process. Eat foods considered whole, unprocessed like grass feed meats and eggs, wild caught seafood and non-genetically altered vegetables.

Try to avoid foods containing gluten grains, legumes, sugar and preservatives.

Choosing to eat a diet centered around whole natural foods reduces the risk of numerous diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes and autoimmune disorders.

I challenged myself to try and come up with a good jerky recipe to share with the world, since deer season has either begun or is just around the corner for most of us. But the challenge had to be something creative, so I thought let’s make jerky minus the usual soy sauce, brown sugar and vinegar!

I usually make a marinade to soak my strips of jerky in overnight based on Soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and some other liquids, but sticking to this paleo challenge I decided to make more of a rub.

Prepare your jerky, I know for a fact that Carrie uses the Hi Mountain Jerky Preparation Kit and loves it, it doesn’t matter if you use a jerky board or a jerky gun, prep about 2 1/2 pounds of venison by trimming skin and fat.


  • 2 ½ pounds of venison
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt (iodized table salt contains sugar don’t use it)
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne powder


Cut the venison into strips ¼ inch thick
Cut the venison into strips ¼ inch thick
Mix all the above ingredients in a large bowl.
Mix all the above ingredients in a large bowl.
Add trimmed venison to bowl and toss to coat all the pieces evenly. Cover bowl and let sit in fridge overnight.
Add trimmed venison to bowl and toss to coat all the pieces evenly.
Cover bowl and let sit in fridge overnight.
Spread pieces onto dehydrator shelve (if you don’t have a dehydrator spread the pieces onto cooking rack and bake in an oven at 175 degree for 6 to 10 hours).
Spread pieces onto dehydrator shelve (if you don’t have a dehydrator spread the pieces onto cooking rack and bake in an oven at 175 degree for 6 to 10 hours).
Remove from dehydrator or oven to cool.
Remove from dehydrator or oven to cool.


There are some tools I highly recommend all hunters should have and a good dehydrator for jerky and dried fruits is a must. I have been making jerky for years, using two “American Harvest“ dehydrators. Good sharp knives to make the job of trimming easier, faster and safer. And if you really want to make a lot of jerky a meat slicer is the top of the line.

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