Radio & TV Guest Spots, Testimonials & Media Mentions

Media Mentions & Guest Spots

…this page is terribly out of date, I’ve been honored to be featured in many magazines, tv shows, newspapers and as a guest on many podcasts. I thank you and the industry for their continuous support!


Interview with the Spypoint Podcast – February 21, 2022 Carrie Zylka Of The Huntfishtravel Podcast | The Spypoint Podcast

Interview with Blogtalkradio – May 10, 2018  Writestream Tuesday Welcomes ‘A Creative Mind Fiction Podcast’

Interview with The Farmer & The City Girl April 4, 2017 – Sustainable Agriculture

Interview with Fish Nerds Podcast – March 5, 2017 Carrie Z Hunt Fish Travel Purple Octopus and More Reasons to Fly Fish

Interview with the SharkFarmer Podcast – Jun 24, 2016 The crazy Carrie Z of HuntFishTravel

Interview with the Big Buck Podcast – December 20, 2013 Episode 26 The Wild World of CarrieZ aka Carrie Zylka

Interview with the Wildernet Podcast – September 7, 2013 Episode 8 Not in a Tree with CarrieZ

Interview with Foremost Hunting – June 24th, 2013 Outdoor Blogger & Podcaster Carrie Zylka

Interview with Ripple Outdoors – March 23, 2013 CarrieZ Turkey Talkin Hunting Podcast #1304

Interview with Fishing and Outdoor Radio February 13, 2013 Radio Show

Outdoors Radio (Guest Host)  Episode 742

Outdoors Radio (Guest Host) Episode 738

Outdoors Radio (Guest Host) Episode 737

Outdoors Radio (Guest Host) Episode 736


Outdoor Wisconsin TV Show – Ladies Lodge Milwaukee Journal Sports Show Outdoor Wisconsin Episode #2919 (at 13:00)

Outdoor Wisconsin TV Show – Sturgeon Spearing on Lake Winnebago Outdoor Wisconsin Episode #2919 (at 3:25)

My Fishing Partner – 2013 surgeon spearing Lake Winnebago, WI Opening Day

Outdoor Wisconsin TV Show – Women on Winnebago Outdoor Wisconsin Episode #2917

Ultimate Outdoor – Ultimate Outdoor Radio Shout Out by the WoW’s

Wisconsin Outdoor Fun – Live Deer Preview

Outdoor Wisconsin TV Show – Deer Hunt 2011 (at 47:45)


Outdoor Women Spear Dinosaurs this Weekend in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

National Geographic – New Hot Pink Hunting Gear Has Women Hunters Seeing Red

National Geographic - New Hot Pink Hunting Gear Has Women Hunters Seeing Red Carrie Zylka

MJSS March 2 2013MJSS March 01 2014MJSS May 11 2013MJSS March 01-2 2014MJSS May 21 2010– Wausau Daily Herald Article Outdoors Show Aims at Women


View the reviews on Facebook here.

“It’s about time we heard an authentic female voice in the hunting community! I just finished checking out your website and am quite impressed by your hunting and bow hunting knowledge as well as your excellent writing style. You are a true role model and we couldn’t think of a better advocate.”  ~ Gerald Craft; McNett Corporation

“Carrie is an extraordinary woman who has made a name for herself in researching and sharing the latest news and trends on events and gear related to outdoor activities including; shooting, archery, hunting and camping to name a few. Carrie has a unique way of sharing this information through her blog and podcast which has generated quite a large following. I appreciate Carrie for her unrelenting drive and business acumen in social media marketing. I highly recommend Carrie to any business looking for a talented innovative professional who can successfully integrate creativity with performance.”~ Andy Wilson; NavELite, LLC

“Carrie’s work throughout our working relationship has been superb! I have had the pleasure to work with Carrie through quite a few projects and her knowledge, work ethic, results, and professionalism are top notch. I am looking forward to working with her for years to come.” ~ Dave Wallace; Squirmin’ Worm Farm

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Sightmark Tru Shot Press Release


Photo Contest NSSF Announces May Winners in 50th Anniversary Facebook 

AGLOW Award in Craft Whitetails Unlimited’s Best of Photography – Hunting Category “Who Needs a Tree Stand?

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