Guest Post: Big Bargain Hunting for Gear Online

Every hunter knows the value of patience when it comes to tracking your quarry. But what about when it’s time to track down a new set of hunting gear? It’s easy to make your way into a big retail outlet and buy overpriced, flashy equipment for exorbitant prices, but finding great online deals for all of your hunting gear isn’t as taxing as you might think. There are lots of options for the savvy deal hunter, especially ones willing to put in a little time and effort when it comes to finding what they want. I’ve tapped into as many sources as the Colorado River and hunted down three of the best options to help you save on your next hunting equipment purchase.

Army Surplus Stores

These are a great option to check out if you’re looking for decent discounts and like the choice of shopping locally. Most cities will have at least one or two army surplus stores floating about, and they are great places to find cheap gear, especially if you don’t mind your gear not matching. The big downside to surplus stores is that their selection will often vary from location to location, so you’re not always guaranteed to find what you’re looking for. However, half the fun of visiting comes from this unknown, so they remain an excellent option for those who enjoy some spontaneity in their shopping.

Online Auction Sites

Auction sites are often home to some of the largest discounts of all, and tend to come in a variety of styles. Ebay tends to be the first one to spring to mind, but tends to mirror the issue of surplus stores in that its stock varies depending upon its sellers. Other websites such as the penny hunting auction site BidGunner avoid this problem by offering up new, top of the line gear for shoppers to bid on, potentially saving them over 80% off retail prices. It can take some time and practice to get used to, but that’s the joy of the hunt, isn’t it?

Coupon Hunting

A quick google search will yield several websites that list coupons for consumers.  These sites often gather promo codes listed on the websites of major retailers and store them in one convenient database for shoppers.  This is a great way to see what coupons are trending for major retailers like Cabela’s, but the catch here is making sure such promo codes haven’t expired.  You’ll also want to make sure you fully understand the return policy in the event your gear doesn’t fit.  One of the most common coupon discounts involves cheap or free shipping, but this cost may resurface with a return.

While there are pluses and minuses to each of these options, the money you can save is well worth any additional time or effort. It’s not a bad idea to browse your local retailers to get a good idea of how much the equipment you want can cost, but always use this info for comparison only. Whether you browse surplus stores, online auction sites, or stick to coupon hunting, always remember to have patience when you’re ferreting out that prize deal.

Cal Brock is a longtime hunter, angler, outdoorsman, and proud father and husband living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

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